Public speaking

Public speaking is a basic part of any public presentation, such as any Model United Nations conference. You might have studied a lot about your topic but without performing and self-confident speech your effort is wasted. A good speech helps delegates to state their position, work on consensus and start forming outcomes (like a resolution). With good public speaking ability, your position in committee can be considerately strengthened.

One of the biggest obstacles for MUN delegates is the fear of public speaking. Approximately 70% population has an intense fear of public speaking. Under this link is a video which can help you speak publicly and overcome your stress.

These public speaking tips help you realize crucial points you should take into consideration while MUN conference.


These public speaking tips will help you realise crucial points you should take into consideration. Mr Anthony Hogan, Model U.N. International, suggests the system of six “C’s” to improve your ability:

1. Confidence

Confidence is portrayed by being as knowledgeable as possible on your subject and conveying this knowledge through the power of your voice and eyes. As a Model U.N. delegate, you are the authority and representative of your respective country. Research well and speak as if you know you are undoubtedly right. As the speaker, you must have confidence in yourself; otherwise, the audience will have little confidence in you.

2. Clear

A speaker can do many things beforehand to assist them in speaking clearly. Write an outline of the topics that are going to be said, and follow it when speaking. Always speak slowly. This will allow the audience to hear everything that is said. Know your terminology well beforehand to avoid fumbling with words. Try to enunciate words properly.

3. Concise

A good public speaker presents his/her points in a clean and clear-cut fashion. Unnecessary words and information should not be used to fill in the speech. The speech should be brief and to the point—say what you have to say. Do not ramble on about the topic in order to appear knowledgeable.

4. Constructive

An effective public speech needs to be constructed properly. Start with a solid foundation that brings together all of your ideas, present your points, and then connect them by reviewing what was said. There should be an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. It is a known fact that three is a magic number. Say it once, say it and review it, then say it again. This method will help the audience to remember what was said.

5. “Con Passion”

It is always important to speak from the heart—with passion—hence the Spanish term “con passion”. Always maintain eye contact with the audience. In doing so the audience will feel connected to you and your speech. This is what you want. You want to grab and to hold the audience’s attention.

6. Critique

It is better to critique than to criticise. Criticising is constructive and allows for people to grow and improve. Criticizing brings peoples’ motivation and confidence down. A critique should be accepted positively since it is a tool that is used to strengthen one’s public speaking.


In order to make your speech clear and more understandable, you should eliminate unnecessary speech fillers as much as possible. Fillers are words and phrases such as “umm,” “well,” “it is sort-a like,” “its kind-a like.” These take away form information you want to present and take time of your speech.  Try to realise which of these you use during you are speaking. That is the first step to eliminate them.

Gestures and posture represent a great part of your speech. Do not be a statue. Use your gesture and posture to capture public’s attention. Consider occasionally exaggerating a gesture. Speaking from a platform is different than holding a one on one conversation. Use your whole body when you speak.

Speak with self-confidence. Make a conscious effort to express yourself confidently. Present yourself as a confident delegate. It makes a better impression even if you are not really into the topic.  Moreover, delegates will consider you as a strong leader and it will be easier to collaborate with others.

How to Make a Speech: 3 Public Speaking Tips on What to Say

Public speaking

–          prepare your speech in, at least, a week in advance. –          memorise your speech word by word. You have to understand what you are talking about, not learn the exact words to do it.
–          wear appropriately for the kind of speech you are going to make. –          use the same language patterns all the time. Try to make your speech as original, variable and rich as possible.
–          prepare a short and schematic script. –          say you are nervous in front of your audience (even if you are actually nervous).
–          vocalize properly when you speak. Understanding is basic for any presentation. –          look down or always at the same point. Show positive/productive energy
–          use some tongue twisters (or use other methods to practice speaking) before your speech in order to speak clearly. –          forget about you facial expression and eye contact. DO always smile, people feel what you feel 🙂
–          improve your speech (especially complicated one) with some “refreshing” parts, like anecdotes or a short story, in order to make your audience get involved –          make your speech shorter or longer, try to deal with your set time.
–          introduce some audio-visual content, if it is possible, to make your speech more interactive.